Showing 31–36 of 58 results

Ajax Alpha

$ 4,900

All are waiting this device, and we know that you searched a lot and you couldn’t find a device let’s you achieve your goals, but now your wish became true with ALPHA and all you should do is continue reading…

ALPHA device with remote sensing technology and two long range systems to explore and detect Gold, Treasures and other metals.

The first device globally with remote sensing two long range systems, deserved and won this after many experiments by the most famous treasure hunters among USA, Asia and Europe, where it proved its competence with its accurate results in goal detection from long distances reaches to 2850 meters, and high depths reaches to 50 meters underground, and with its new detection and operating smart systems which are available for the first time globally in ALPHA.

Note: All AJAX products are provided with Two Years Warranty.


$ 4,450

A new imprint in the world of advanced detectors, Smart detection and control systems (Smart Technology)
New inventions invented for you by MWF DETECTORS,
Now the gold and treasures are in your hands with confidence and with less time and effort.

Note: this device it is sold in three different packages according of the systems available in each package:

  1. Standard package: Provided with the basic search system, Advanced”
    Long Range System
  2. Professional Package: Provided with 2 search systems Long Range System &
    Hybrid+ system.
  3. Super Package: Provided with 3 search systems, Long Range System & Hybrid+
    system and Geophysical survey system.

This is the Super package of MF-100 PRO:

Provided with 3 search systems, Long Range System & Hybrid+ system and Geophysical survey system.


$ 2,700

كيو زد80 كاشف الذهب والمعادن

من أهم وأقوى البحوث والاختراعات العلمية في القرن ٢١، اعتمدت مجموعة MWF ومركز البحوث الألماني التابع لها فوغيل للتكنولوجيا، نمط جديد في تطوير كاشفات المعادن بمنظور جديد ومختلف يخدم المستكشفين والمنقبين والهواة على حد سواء، حيث قامت مجموعتنا بتطوير هذا الجهاز الرائع وتزويده بكافة الخصائص والمواصفات الذي تجعل منه الخيار الأمثل لكل من يبحث عن جهاز كشف للذهب والمعادن سهل الاستخدام ودقيق النتائج وصغير الحجم, يتميز هذا الكاشف بتصميم حديث ومتطور حيث يمكن فصل كافة أجزاء الجهاز عن بعضها، يمكنكم الآن الذهاب إلى رحلات التنقيب بكل ثقة عمياء والاستمتاع في العثور على أهدافك العميقة، يمكنه التمييز بين الأهداف وعزل الأهداف الغير ثمينة والعديد والكثير من الخصائص الأخرى.

تجاوز هذا الجهاز كافة الاختبارات الميدانية والعلمية حيث أثبت جدارته كأفضل جهاز كشف عن المعادن لصيد الكنوز العميقة والكهوف كذلك, يحتوي على الكثير من الوظائف الحديثة التي تجعله خيارك الأمثل بلا منافس.

ملاحظة: مزود جهاز QZ 80 بملفين من ملفات البحث المتطورة DD

ملف البحث بقياس 22 سم:متخصص بالبحث عن القطع الصغيرة وشذرات الذهب الخام والعملات المعدنية على أعماق لم يسبق لها مثيل بتردد بحث 20 كيلوهرتز .
ملف البحث بقياس 33 سم:متخصص بالبحث عن القطع المتوسطة والكبير بتركيز عالٍ ونتائج محققة وأعماق تنافسية يعمل بتردد 14.5 كيلوهرتز.

الشركة المصنعة:Vogel
بلد المنشأ: ألمانيا
يكتشف الجهاز: الذهب الخام و المعادن
لغات الجهاز: متعدد اللغات ويدعم اللغة العربية
الأنظمة التي يعمل بها الجهاز: النظام فائق الدقة UAF


$ 2,250

The Easiest .. The smallest .. and the faster to detect treasures

VIGOR, the new and advanced device to detect gold, treasures and cavity, vigor device has modern features and characteristics that enable it to monitor underground targets accurately and effectively, The high sensitivity to detection the target speedily, accurate verification of the target’s location, and the acoustic indicators issued to determine the target’s location path is one of the most important of these features, In addition the digital compass on the device screen, which shows directions and the target path as well, The detection depth of this device reaches 20 m and can detect targets from a distance of 2000 m circular.


$ 1,750

Gold & Treasures Detector” Spark device works on the long distance sensing system (LDS), the advanced and built-in with acoustic identification systems to locate the path and point center of target.

The Spark offers the high rigor frequency waves that enable it to identify and detection the target sites underground, like a gold, treasures and blanks meticulously where the device can locate the targets from 200 meters distance and an angle of 360 degrees with precise control feature at a horizontal distance search, where there are a several levels of search distance, the user can adjust according to their needs to the horizontal scan, the search depth in the Spark device can be reach until 10m underground with the possibility of precise control in search depth, All that through the device control interface, device is characterized by its small size and ease of use, where it can be placed in the pocket and move around so easily, and anyone can use it without having to experience or large knowledge about detectors.


$ 1,650

Gold Ore & Nuggets Detector” Spark (Gold Nugget) device works on the long-distance sensing system (LDS), the advanced and built-in with acoustic identification systems to locate the path and point canter of a target.

The Spark (Gold Nugget) offers the high rigor frequency waves that enable it to identify and detection the gold nugget underground, meticulously where the device can locate the targets from 200 meters distance and an angle of 360 degrees with precise control feature at a horizontal distance search, where there are a several levels of search distance, the user can adjust according to their needs to the horizontal scan, the search depth in the ( Spark gold nugget) device can be reached until 10m underground with the possibility of precise control in search depth, All that through the device control interface, device is characterized by its small size and ease of use, where it can be placed in the pocket and move it all the goodwill and easily, and anyone can use it without having to experience or large knowledge about detectors machines.